Scenes from an Urban Sunset project cover

Scenes from an Urban Sunset




© 2023


Animation - Branding - UX/UI - Strategy


The noisy and chaotic city gets ready for a well deserved weekend. As dusk comes, a calmer and more peaceful environment starts to emerge…

About the project

The Project

’Scenes From An Urban Sunset’ is a study in lighting that combines 2D and 3D animation. Using the city itself and its lighting as our main characters, we worked with original 2D handcrafted digital backgrounds as we integrated 3D assets throughout the composition, bringing our animated landscape to life through color and motion.

About the process

Our Process

The first step was to be on the lookout for visual references where the mood or the "vibe" were the main theme of the video - exactly what we wanted to achieve, moving away from the traditional structure of beginning, middle and end. After we found our narrative and developed our storyboard, we crafted the flow of the piece through animatics.


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A study in lighting that combines
2D and 3D animation.

We wanted to evoke emotion
through light, color and movement
in a non-narrative way.



Storyboarding was our starting point, here we designed our digital journey and we selected the urban locations we'd visit in the short.

Scenes Development

Our animated journey took us from the depths of the subway tracks to the heights of the mountain top.

Scenes Development


One of our main challenges was finding the right
coloring, as we used dusk and its color progression as
our obvious and natural inspiration.

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3D modeling

Going from 2D to 3D and later on to animation was another roadblock we encountered. Getting our aesthetic right
was also important.

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The modeling process

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