The Inspired Community Project

The Inspired Community Project




© 2022


Motion Graphics

A Unique Collaboration

We joined forces with TICP to help
bring awareness to their cause.

About the project

Inspiring the community

The Inspired Community Project is a nonprofit based in The Bronx in NYC
that aims to provide no-cost early intervention services to neurodiverse
children, advocacy for their caregivers and families, and specialized
career training for members of the community.

The resulting piece is a
one-minute long animated
video with — a colorful, bright
and dynamic design.


The BronxThe Inspired Community ProjectHighest Referral RateNo-cost early intervention servicesiconsAdvocacy coaching for familiesgray square in red backgroundcolored blocksblocks gridWe also need youBuildingsThe inspired community project

Key elements: shapes & colors.

Appealing design to both children and adults.

TICP turns a
Special Educator's
POV into reality

Project Breakdown

Our Iconography

We designed various icons for this piece, all very similar to a children's books aesthetic.

Our style choices

Risography 101

Our stylistic concept was delivered through evoking Risography,
a printing technique that is an intermediate between digital printing
and screen printing.

The Risography-like results
are reminiscent — of
handmade screen prints.

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Back to work

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