Project Cover

Smart Cities


Smart Cities


© 2021


Web Development

One step ahead

North America's leading global
conference for innovators and decision-makers.

Smartcities Logo Animation
Smartcities Logo Animation

Smart Cities came to us looking for a dynamic, impactful and informational new website - just like ours.

Smartcities Posters Animation


Smart Cities came to us looking for a dynamic, impactful and informational new website - just like ours.

The right place

About the project

We meant business and using Proxima Nova Regular as primary font shows exactly that.

Smart Cities info

The cities of tomorrow

Smart Cities New York takes a holistic look
at the innovations in technology and infrastructure
that are making cities more livable, equitable, and sustainable.

Smartcities website snapshot
Smartcities website snapshot
Smartcities website snapshot

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